Tuesday, November 01, 2005

And If the Elevator Tries To Bring Us Down... Oh No Let's Go!!!!!!!!

From Peaches Christ:

the battle is about to begin...SING-ALONG PURPLE RAIN vs. SING ALONG TRUTH OR DARE

Local impresario and drag superstar Peaches Christ returns to Landmark’s Bridge Theatre this fall for two weeks of sing-along insanity. Peaches Christ’s Midnight Mass proudly presents its first-ever Battle of the Sing-Alongs featuring Sing-Along Purple Rain versus Sing-Along Truth or Dare. Both wildly popular sing-along events have drawn sell-out crowds in SF, inspiring Peaches to create this two-week encore. SING-ALONG PURPLE RAIN Friday, November 4th Saturday, November 5th Bridge Theatre, 3010 Geary (3 blocks west of Masonic) Show at Midnight $10 online tickets / info: www.peacheschrist.com

The Purple Rain pre-show features Peaches’ Prince performance spectacular with special guest star and celebrity hooker Putanesca. Also, audience members should dress to impress for the Totally 80’s Slut Pageant. Purple Rain stars Prince in his motion picture screen debut as a Minneapolis rock musician struggling to gain recognition, while also battling rapper/dapper Morris Day for love-interest Apollonia.

SING-ALONG TRUTH OR DARE Saturday, November 12th Bridge Theatre, 3010 Geary (3 blocks west of Masonic) Show at Midnight $10 online tickets / info: www.peacheschrist.com The Truth or Dare pre-show features Peaches’ newest short film Spin the Bottle. Witness the Midnight Mass drag-umentary about the behind-the-scenes life of a deranged diva. Also, do not miss special guest star Kimo, who will present the epic drag masterpiece “20 Years of Madonna in 20 Minutes.” Truth or Dare offers an intimate, revealing, and hilarious portrait of Madonna’s celebrity life. Sing-Along to all of her full color stage-show hits and guffaw at behind-the-scenes b&w drama!

I may have to hit up Purple Rain Friday the 4th because I am going to see The Reigning Sound and Detroit Cobras at BOTH Saturday. Keane, I know its no Showgirls but we can still hit up Versayce later and then go swimming ;) Next Halloween I want to be Morris Day and The Time, if not Bjork.

Oh yes at the triumphant return of Blammos Thursday 11/3 at 1751 Social Club. More dets to come.