Jenny Lewis, TVOTR, Entourage, and Ipod tourettes

So I am a little late in the game regarding Entourage, but I just recently watched all of the first season on DVD and love it. I am certain how I feel about this show is how guys feel about liking Sex In The City. I know that it is supposed to be making fun of LA, but at the same time it is so LA itself. Also there is a def lack of good female characters aside from Ari's assistant and even she isn't that great. But goddamn do I love Jeremy Piven he is freakin hilarious.
One other thing before I leave to have dinner with Joe and hopefully get crazy drunk in the Haight at Vince's party. So lately I have noticed that my iPod is obsessed with certain songs. Everytime I put it on shuffle it seems intent of playing Blondie's "Rip Her to Shreds" which is awesome because it is perhaps one of the best, most punk rock Blondie songs ever and if I had a band I would totally cover it. Also my Ipod really likes to play totally inappropriate shit when I am riding the bus at 5:30 AM to go to work, such as The Icarus Line or Blood Brothers. Although I love to jump around in my living room to "Burn Piano Island Burn" , at 5:30 AM it makes me want to simultaneous puke and scream which I am sure would completely freak out the 80 yr old Asian woman sitting next to me on the 1 California.
Also my Ipod loves to really embarrass me. Like when a cute guy comes and sits down next to me and I go to skip ahead to a new song, he looks over to see what I am listening to and my iPod just loves to throw out some Ani Difranco, DMB, or any assorted nerdy musical songs I have on it. Come on Ipod! I know I'm not single but I would still like to impress the bus hottie with my cool tatse in music. Why can't you throw up some Sufjan Stevens, Bloc Party remixes, or Pulp at least give me something to start up a convo or at least get a congratulatory nod in my direction.
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