Sgt. Pepper Must Die!
This is one of the most entertaining music articles I have read recently. Check it out from the Guardian (UK). I have to admit I am dating a Beatles hater, and as a Beatles fan I really dislike Sgt. Pepper's and who better to sum it up than Billy Childish. I love all of these blurbs , just cause something is considered a "seminal" album doesn't mean it is for everyone. I love The Doors and Pink Floyd ones too, cause both are things I never have really loved or gotten into even after four years at UCSB and growing up in SoCal. I just wish someone would have done a Bob Marley one...
Pipettes was cute and fun, but nothin crazy awesome. I loved Smoosh though they are so little and talented. They covered Bloc Party's "This Modern Love" which was awesome. There is something about a 13 year old girl singing "I'll pay for you anytime" that is a little wrong though :)
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I am liking the Long Blondes cd kinda like Pulp mixed with Elastica and DHC.