This picture pretty much sums up my weekend. Starting with reeking havoc in P.A. Culminating in watching some 35 year old soccer mom punch a 16 year old kid in the head as he was trying to start a mosh pit at The Killers show.
Sat. show was amazing, played lots of stuff from both cds, lots of glitter and dancing and of course Brandon looked great. The one down fall was as a mentioned above, half way through the show a group of 16 year olds took of their shirts and started to bro down and try to make a mosh pit. At first I was like seriously? Are you really trying to mosh to poppy dancey songs with synths? Also when you are at a show where glitter confetti is falling from the ceiling at regular intervals, isn't that usually a sign that the crowd shouldn't in any way shape or form start moshing? Then the lady and her older husband standing next to me just snaped. She ran into the pit and just started kicking ass yelling at all the kids and telling them how stupid they were, she was pummeling them with closed fist and hit one kid in the head pretty hard. It was seriously the most awesome thing I have ever seen. When she left this chick standing near me said, "Goodbye hero....". I seriously almost peed my pants, or tights as it was. They also did a nice cover of Joy Division's "Shadowplay".
Then after the show Cari and I hit up Edinburgh to continue her massive bday weekend. The older owner guy gave us some free Stellas for Easter which was sweet. Happy Resurrection Sunday 91x styzzz (I am sure like 2.5 people from SD who read this will get that).
Also got a pre-release of Cassadaga last week and it is really good, very along the lines of I'm Wide Awake It's Morning. "Classic Cars", "Four Winds", and "If the Breakman Turn My Way" are probably my fav tracks so far. Even Joe admits his voice is a lot better and less affected on this cd, and he is a total Bright Eyes hater.
Ahh I hate to keep updating this post with new shiz, but I have to post a link to the new
Kate Moss Top Shop collection coming out in June. It is no coincidence that are names are only two letters apart :) I am super stoked, back in my Brit days I loved me some Top Shop, kinda like H&M. Recently they just began shipping to the U.S for online orders. After looking through the looks I def want one of those K shirts, and striped vests. Also the black 60s cocktail dress is pretty killer. I have to say Kate Moss, is aging pretty well, she still looks super hot, even after all the Pete and coke drama.
Labels: Bright Eyes, Cassadaga, Kate Moss, The Killers, Top Shop