Smiley Faces?
Gosh suck a lack of posts I suck. Mainly I have been slaving away doing temp jobs one after the other trying to make some cash so I can pay my bills yo. Still looking for a new job, takes awhile. I am really looking forward to getting paid on Thursday at which time I hope to buy the new gnarls barkley CD and perhaps The Raconteurs when it comes out next week.
I am going down to SD this weekend for Mother's Day and am excited to make my mom and Joe's mom dinner with Joe. Hopefully, I will also get to hang with my brother on Sunday night, catch up on how the Hollywood life is treating him.
Oh yeah and I went to Soul Night at the Elbow Room last Sat. For the first time and it was awesome!!!!! Wish I didn't get so drunk so I could've danced for longer. Went out for dinner before hand with Joe's uncle who works for Arnold in Sacramento, so it was nice drinking at the Four Seasons and dinner on the Republican's dime j/k. They are really lovely.
I am super stoked for Lost tonight, last weeks was amazing. Idol can freakin wait on the TIVO. Speaking of Idol I was pretty stoked for Elvis week, but totally disappointed that Chris lamed up my two fav Elvis songs. As we were sitting there I was all to Joe, "I hope someone does A Little Less Conversation and Suspicious Minds". Yeah then Chris and to sing them all depressed and lame and without any sexiness or emotion. Way to do the King proud you mid 90s alt rock douche. I all about Elliott and Taylor at this point. Oh so I am done nerding out.....for now.
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