Welcome to the Suck of Unemployment
Yeah so besides going crazy looking for a job and having no money, I decided to update my blog. I think I might venture outside today as it is the first day since I've been back here it hasn't been raining. So if you see a girl at Lafayette Park reading Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential and humming "Cherry Cola" by EODM that would be me. Who are we kidding it is 2:00 my eyes are straining from searching craigslist, I haven't showered, and have eaten nothing but leftover Easter Ham. I will prob be grabbing a lawn chair and going on my roof to read.
Also for those who haven't heard my temp agency thinks I'm qualified to be an accountant. So I guess that is why last week I was analyzing budget software for an online magazine. Something which I am sumpremely unqualified for. Guess what? I am going back tomorrow to have some financial planners yell at me and slave away on a laptop. Why you ask? Because I have no money and can't sell my eggs because I am afraid of needles and surgery.
But should you have any jobs for me and and not of the kind you call blow (sorry Hedwig joke, I am not that pervy) please let me know.
On the up side go to the Birdmonster CD release Wed at Mezz it is only $5 and if my unemployed ass can pay that so can you.
Oh Yeah I also watched Jarhead last night and that temporally lifted my spirits, although it was way intense. I am referring to the uplifting nature of the double eye (and loads of vowels) candy of Gyllenhaal & Saarsgard in top military shape and often shirtless. It was a really intense movie about war and the life of soldiers blah blah blah. But ladies tune in for Gylenhaal banging some chick against a wall j/k. it was a great film. Also has anyone else seen the SNL where Peter Saarsgard hosted and he spoke at the Pirate Convention, hilarious.
Also I made an awesome ham yesterday and a kick ass chutney here is a pic of a ham:

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