RIP Johnny
So I was super stoked that Johnny kicked the bucket last night, what an awesome Vday episode. For all those haters who don't like to OC or don't what to here me go off like a 14 year old stop reading now.
Ok so Johnny totally sucked and was getting on my nerves, come on Kaitlyn Cooper was throwing some hot underage ass his way and he didn't even bother to hit that. I was sick of him whining about his surgery and stalking Marisa. So when he downed a bottle of tequila and fell off a cliff last week I was praying he was dunzo.
And my prays were answered. This death lead to many awesome things like his beach side funeral where they played Sufjan Stevens, the introduction of his cousin played by Thirteen's Nikki Reed, and hopefully less Chilli (Dennis) in future episodes cause he is freakin lame.
Even if you hate to OC you should read this article which explains current US relations through characters in the OC.
Also I love the whole Seth smoking pot story line and best line from last night, "Their playing Death Cab on the Valley? I'm never listening to them again", take that, Ben Gibbard :)
So when I was trying to search yahoo images for OC pics this one came up and is hilarious because it looks like some Seth obsessed teen drew it, but I am pretty sure it is an actual promo pic:

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