Louis XIV Free Concert and RIP Ty
From Fusion Flash Concerts:
Flash Alert! LOUIS XIV is coming to Justin Herman Plaza in SAN FRANCISCO on SEPTEMBER 6, 2005 at 5PM.
This San Diego band hit the international scene in 2004 with their quirky punk feel, sexy lyrics, and irresistible angst. Jason Hill, Brian Karscig, Mark Maigaard, and Jimmy Armbrust released their introductory EP, Illegal Tender, in January 2005, featuring the edgy Finding Out True Love is Blind.
In case you were unaware, Justin Herman Plaza is at the end of the Embarcadero in front of the Ferry Plaza. Also it is right in front of my work at the One Market Building. I am really happy to see that this San Diego band has made it so big and I can't wait to go to this free show although it will pry be a mad house. Anyone wanting to meet up give me a call.
Also on sadderer note, I wanted to say RIP to my family dog Typhoon who died yesterday, he had cancer in his mouth and was suffering a great deal, so my parents decided to put him to sleep. It was a very hard decision and my whole family is very upset. Here is a pic of me and Ty Ty from June, I will miss him a lot:

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