Likes and Dislikes

1. American Apparel Drape Skirts, cute, cheap, and great for summer.
2. Annie's "Me Plus One" Itunes free download
3.Hell's Kitchen Finale, I am so happy for Michael! Also Dewberry is freakin hilarious, his Brad Pitt's wife comment was classic.
4. Arugula
5. The jukebox at Edinburgh Castle- Pulp, Blur, Oasis, and The Smiths, every Anglophiles dream.
1. The G-Love Coke Commercial, as if its not bad enough that this guy is from SD and I had to hear his crappy band G-Love and the Special Sauce at many a HS party, now I have to listen to him telling me how he's going to "teach the world to chill" everyday.
2. Dave Grohl' s scary ass mouth close up in the "Best of You" video. Usually I love me some Dave Grohl but his mouth is truly gnarly and this song sounds like a Gatorade commercial.
3. The Urine Gone commercial, especially the part where they show the black light on the piss soaked toilet.
4. Fog/ Coldness in August, horray for San Francisco and its pseudo summer.
5. Big wide leg capri/hammer pants. These Genie pants have got to go, who thought this is a cool look to bring back?
Also to add here are some things I am really exicted about: going to see March of the Penguins, the Johnny Knoxville photoshoot for GQ, and Blood Bucket Ballyhoo.

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