Live 8

So I am working today and lucky for me Aol is streaming all the cities for Live 8 click here, this is much better than the crap they are showing on MTV or so I heard. Here are my highlights thus far:
*Bob Geldoff singing "I Don't Like Mondays"
*Michael Stipes crazy blue face paint
*The Killers "Change Your Mind"
*Scissors Sisters whole set
*American Idol's Randy Jackson making a cameo and playing keyboards for Mariah Carey
*Mariah in an entire lace up mini dress with garters surrounded by African Orphans Choir
*Madonna trying so hard to be relevant and hip with breakdancers, that was so '85 Madge
*Scott Weiland wearing some sort of S.S. skull army hat, very Texas Terri
*I also liked Muse in Paris and sadly I missed Coldplay but I am sure they were good
*Chris Tucker is talking right now in Philly, "Time I spent in Africa changed my life forever" blah blah blah, it would have been better if they got Dave Chapelle to do this intro
*Oooh wait David Beckam is introing Robbie Williams that is something I would love to be in the middle of, goddamn Robbie Williams is so hot, I think he is wearing an ascot. His cover of Queen is way better than Green Day's earlier.
*Ok so Robbie Williams just threw in a little Killers in his set "I Got Soul But I'm Not a Soldier", I love this man

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