Only Revolutions?
Via Flavorpill:
Mark Z. Danielewski: Only Revolutions when: Fri 9.22 (7pm) where: Booksmith (1644 Haight St, 415.863.8688) price: FREE details: Event Info After the acclaim that met his debut novel, House of Leaves, Mark Danielewski has been working on Only Revolutions. Readers entranced by the wormhole-like page design of his first book can rejoice, as his latest takes such layout conceits to new heights. When blurbed, Revolutions sounds almost run-of-the-mill: two teenagers in love go on a road trip. But their stories are told on facing pages, so the reader must flip the book over to catch the other's point of view. Thankfully, this rampant gimmickry has sturdy writing (most of it in verse) to fall back on. For a quick peek, check out the decidedly gothy website, or hike over to hear the man read in person.
House of Leaves is one of my favorite books of all time, so I will def be there. I will probably have to wade through a sea of goth kids and NIN fans, but hopefully it will be worth it. Afterwards I have promised Joe a drink in exchange for his coming with.
Also for all my friends down in the L.A. are you should totally go to this via Ultragrrrl:

Email me if you want to get on the guest list. I am so sad I will not be in L.A. to check this out. The Oohlas are great and you should totally check them out if you haven't already. You can pre-order their Cd here.
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