Why I am glad I did not get a tattoo in HS when I turned 18, Or what I learned from the Haight St.Fair

So Sunday was a wonderful day known throughout SF as the Haight St. Fair. This involved lots of drinking out of brown bags and stubbling up and down Haight St. On my journey I came to realize, how right Momma Motz can be sometimes. If you are a girl you should never get a tattoo on your lower back when you turn 18 ever. I saw so much proof of the awful phenom at the HSF that I found a need to create a Top 5.
Top Five Worst Tattoos for Girls to have on their Lower Backs, which they prob got when they were in High School:
1. Butterfly
2.Suns, Moons, or a combo of the two
3.Asian Characters
5.Ying Yang Sign
Some things that we thought were totally cool circa '97 just don't quite stand the test of time.
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